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Manuals & Training Materials

Our Courses

Our course manuals include the latest EPA & OSHA requirements, and feature user friendly content with notes sections near the margin.

Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair, and Painting

Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair,
and Painting (2 books)

Meets the training requirements under federal law that now requires that individuals receive certification before renovating six square feet or more of painted surfaces in a room for interior projects or more than twenty square feet of painted surfaces for exterior projects in housing, child care facilities built before 1978.

Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair, and Painting
Cover for Building Inspector Initial Training.

Building Inspector Initial

Course outline provided to show what sections to cover for each class day. Covers the material required by the USEPA Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan including current OSHA & EPA requirements.

Asbestos abatement initial training course

Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor & Worker Initial

This Course covers the material required by the USEPA Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan including current OSHA & EPA requirements. Recommend using Federal Regulation with Supervisor Initial training course.

Asbestos abatement initial training course
Operations and maintenance and OSHA Class III asbestos training course

Asbestos Operations & Maintenance

Designed to cover material required in AHERA for maintenance personnel and OSHA Asbestos Class III activities.

Management planner initial asbestos training course

Asbestos Management Planner Initial

Course outline provided to show what sections to cover for each class day. Covers the material required by the USEPA Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan including current OSHA & EPA requirements.

Management planner initial asbestos training course
Asbestos awareness training course

Asbestos Awareness

Designed to cover material required in AHERA and OSHA Asbestos Awareness course. In addition to basic asbestos facts, course addresses exposure issues, clean-up procedures, current issues, and events involved with asbestos inspections and abatements.

Asbestos roofing removal training course

Asbestos Roofing Removal

Designed to cover material required by OSHA asbestos Class II roofing removal. Addresses asbestos materials, health effects, exposure issues, PPE, and work practices from a roofing perspective. 

Asbestos contractor supervisor refresher training course

Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor Refresher

Covers the material required by the USEPA Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan. Includes current OSHA & EPA requirements. Contains recent letters of interpretations and discusses some of the current events involving asbestos.

Asbestos contractor supervisor refresher training course
Asbestos worker refresher training course

Asbestos Worker Refresher

Covers the material required by the USEPA Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan. Includes current OSHA requirements and discusses some of the current events involving asbestos.

Asbestos management planner refresher course

Asbestos Management Planner Refresher

Covers the material required by the USEPA Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan. Includes current OSHA & EPA requirements. It contains recent letters of interpretation and discusses some of the current events involving asbestos.

Asbestos management planner refresher course
asbestos inspector refresher training course

Asbestos Inspector Refresher

Goes beyond required USEPA Model Accreditation Plan material by including discussions on newer building materials and types of asbestos surveys. Addresses sampling and analytical issues with traditional suspect materials but also discusses vermiculite, soil, and dust.

Asbestos Federal Regulations with OSHA and US EPA logos

Asbestos Federal Regulations

Includes Federal OSHA and USEPA asbestos regulations. OSHA regulations include Asbestos Constructions Standard, applicable sections of Respiratory Protection Standard, and Asbestos General Industry Standard. USEPA regulations include AHERA including Appendices A (partial) and C (USEPA MAP). Pertinent sections on NESHAP regulations also included.

Asbestos Federal Regulations with OSHA and US EPA logos

Renovate Right Brochure

Federal law now requires that individuals receive certain information before renovating six square feet or more of painted surfaces in a room for interior projects or more than twenty square feet of painted surfaces for exterior projects in housing, childcare facilities, and schools built before 1978.

Homeowners and tenants: renovators must give out this pamphlet before starting work.

The lead safe certified guide to renovate right